11. Juli 2019

BAND ESIL Study Visit Germany – HotSpotTour Ruhr

ESIL – Early Stage Investing Launchpad – is an EU-funded initiative with a focus on developing and expanding the angel investment scene in Europe. During 2019 ESIL promotes on-site visits touring some of the most advanced early stage ecosystems in Europe.

After visiting Milan, Paris and London the fourth edition of the ESIL Study Visits series will be held on 12-13 September 2019. It is a cross-border visit starting in the Netherlands and then coming to Germany, neither to Berlin nor to Munich or Hamburg, but to the Ruhr Area.

BAND invites you coming to the Ruhr, one of the largest metropolises in Europe, home to more than five million people, a region with a strong industrial core on the way to Germany’s next start-up hotspot.

BAND ESIL HotSpotTour Ruhr starts on Thursday, September 12th, with a pan European Connecting Dinner at the UNESCO World Heritage Site Zeche Zollverein in Essen, the once largest colliery in Europe, now a unique place for experiences in the heart of the Ruhr Area and ends Friday evening with a Pitching event in the Impact Factory Duisburg.

BAND is hosting the ESIL Study Visit Germany with a focus on “Angel Investing at its best”. Join us if you are a Business Angel, a Business Angel Network Manager, a Start-up Support professional or a stakeholder in the innovation ecosystem and get unique insights in the German Start-up and angel ecosystem.

IMPORTANT: Due to limited space, we invite you to submit an application for attendance via the link here. Please do not make travel arrangements yet, as the organisers will assess the applications and then inform you latest two weeks after your registration whether you have been selected to attend