About BAND

Business Angels Deutschland e.V. (BAND) is committed to building up the business angels culture in Germany, organizing the exchange of experience and promoting cooperation. As the umbrella organization of the German informal venture capital market, BAND is the spokesperson of the German Business Angels and Business Angels networks towards politicians and the public.

BAND was founded in 1998 as a registered association. Since 2001, BAND has been the recognized umbrella organization of German business angels and their networks.

Mission statement
BAND stands for the guiding principle of the “two-winged” business angel, who supports and engages in young, innovative start-ups with both capital and know-how. Business angels typically contribute at the beginning of the financing chain, where the bottleneck is greatest. In addition, business angels take on an increasingly important role in follow-on financing rounds. For these reasons, they are of great economic importance.

Business Angel Ecosystem
A constant process of change is taking place in the business angel ecosystem. BAND reflects this change (Super Angels, Crowd Investing, Accelerators, Incubators, Family Offices) and offers partnership to new forms of financing just like the classic venture capital funds, where common interests or interests about financeable start-ups exist.

The website www.business-angels.de is the central access point to the activities in the German Business Angels market and contains all important information including an archive. Links lead to all Business Angels networks that shape the market together with BAND and to the members and sponsors of BAND. Worth noting are the directory of eligible companies for “INVEST – Subsidy for Venture Capital” and the consulting tool by BAND experts.

Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action