Call for papers: 4. Business Angels Europe Conference on Angel Investment Research 2023, 7th November 2023

Call for papers

Ansprechpartner // contact person

Wer würde Forschungsergebnisse auf der 4. Business Angels Europe Conference on Angel Investment Research 2023 präsentieren? // Who would present research findings at the 4th Business Angels Europe Conference on Angel Investment Research 2023?

Kontaktdaten // contact details

Kurze Beschreibung der Studieninhalte und -Ergebnisse (max. 2.000 Zeichen) Short description of the study contents and results (max. 2,000 characters)
Hiermit stimme ich der Weitergabe der Projektbeschreibung inkl. meiner Daten im Rahmen des Call for Papers und der damit verbundenen 4. Business Angels Europe Conference on Angel Investment Research 2023 // I hereby consent to the disclosure of the project description including my data in the context of the Call for Papers and the associated 4th Business Angels Europe Conference on Angel Investment Research 2023