15. Mai 2018

Anfrage zu Business Angels Fragebogen

Declan Falvey von der ETH Zürich bittet um Beantwortung seines Fragebogens:

As an investor with a love for the startup community, we are doing an academic study on the key leadership traits that Business Angels look for when investing into a startup. The findings of our study performed across your peers will be shared with you to further ensure you as a Business Angel are better connected to the key considerations of investing in the entrepreneur and their ambitions of making the entrepreneurial venture success a reality. The results too should be very insightful for entrepreneurs themselves.

We greatly appreciate your time and contribution to this research which should not take more than 10-12 minutes of your time.

Survey instructions – Please take a minute to review
We would like to review the importance of the following dimensions in your investment decision making:

(1) Trustworthiness – the importance of trusting the entrepreneur
(2) Openness to coaching – how important it is for you that the entrepreneur takes your advice
(3) Passion – how important it is for entrepreneur to have passion in their business
(4) Tenacity – how important it is that the entrepreneur displays the ability of overcoming obstacles
(5) Vision – the ability of the entrepreneur to see the big picture
In the open text fields, not all information might be applicable to you to fill but we would really appreciate very brief explanations where required.

Please, we would greatly appreciate that you complete when you have some quiet time or when you are not too overly disturbed.
