11. Januar 2022

Reasons why business plans are rejected by financiers in Germany

Name of Student: Ubong Umoh

Type of study: Master thesis

Course of study: Master in Business Administration(MBA)

University/College: IU International University of Applied Sciences

Title of the study: Reasons why business plans are rejected by financiers in Germany

Form of participation: Online questionnaire

Who is asked: Business angels

Link to online questionnaire: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeU3fUEhSj8rQ7NJmfCsiBrjgd7cLSzZrC2Hfklexfb1ZcEew/viewform?usp=sf_link

End of survey period: 10.03.2022

Contact details: ubflow@gmail.com,  +4915259449461